Austin map

Austin, Texas Sucks – 5 more reasons to not live there

Apparently, Austin, Texas being a crap place to live is now a “thing.” Thanks to a Business Insider this month, my site traffic spiked and I wondered why… now I know! A viral story about a Californian who moved to Austin and moved back wrote an article that people are flaming mad about. He’s right! IT DOES SUCK! Here are 5 more of my reasons why:

1. The heat in Texas

It can kill you. Really. The temperature can get over 110 degrees in the summer. Shade doesn’t work in the summer. Go stand under an overhang and the direct sun isn’t as bad but it still feels like you are still standing in a giant Easy Bake Oven. You can’t really live more than a couple of days without air conditioning.

2. Bugs in Austin

There are bugs EVERYWHERE. Mosquitos, biting angry fire ants and little stingy jerks like scorpions – they will get you. Some of the ants are nasty enough to eat cows. We once found 32 scorpions in our apartment in a month…

3. Bizarre and fast weather changes

One day, I went to work in nothing but a t-shirt and jeans & came home in the snow. In Houston, it would sometimes rain on one side of the street and the other would be dry and sunny. Seriously, I wish I had pictures. Hurricanes spin up in a few hours and you can have wildly varying temperatures in a single day.

4. People

I’ve talked about most of the problems in the working world before but people are just kind of obnoxious and rude.

5. Driving

It is not a fun experience to drive in Austin. The roads are horribly maintained (the same can be said of LA as well) but they are also small. The brilliant city council decided that they wanted to keep central Austin relatively the same over the years and drive most people out to the suburbs. They did this by not approving any highway or street improvements for decades so every trip that should take 5-10 minutes takes 30+ because traffic is so bad.

Do you like Austin? If so why?!?!